Plan and prepare for an emergncy central coast

Plan for an emergency on the central coast

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HeartWriting – Writing Workshops With Heart

If you’ve been searching for a truly illuminating creative writing experience on the Central Coast, we’ve got you covered. Rose Mascaro is the creative energy and founder behind HeartWriting, running creative writing workshops on the Central Coast and online using her unique HeartWriting method.

heartwriting central coast

For Coasties Card holders, Rose is generously offering $100 off her signature 10 week HeartWriting Workshop (held either online, or at Holgate’s glorious Bamboo Buddha).



Plan and prepare for an emergency on the central coast

: The Central Coast businesses you can unlock Coasties Card deals at

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HeartWriting – Writing Workshops With Heart

If you’ve been searching for a truly illuminating creative writing experience on the Central Coast, we’ve got you covered. Rose Mascaro is the creative energy and founder behind HeartWriting, running creative writing workshops on the Central Coast and online using her unique HeartWriting method.

heartwriting central coast

For Coasties Card holders, Rose is generously offering $100 off her signature 10 week HeartWriting Workshop (held either online, or at Holgate’s glorious Bamboo Buddha).



Plan and prepare for an emergency on the central coast

: The Central Coast businesses you can unlock Coasties Card deals at

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