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Coast Computers Plus

Got tech troubles? Looking for unparalleled tech repair, maintenance, and servicing? Coast Computers Plus is your go-to solution for a seamless technology experience.

If you’re technologically challenged, Coast Computers Plus will make it easy for you! From mobile devices to computers, video game consoles, TV startup and setup, sound system configuration, to comprehensive guidance for all your video, audio, and tech needs – Coast Computers Plus has you covered!

But they’re not just about fixing devices; they’re dedicated to supporting local and community-driven initiatives. They believe that technology should enhance the connection between individuals and the content they love.



HUnter Homes Wyee

And guess what? If you’re a Coasties Card holder, you can schedule their services at just $25/hour (plus $1 per KM travel fee). That’s almost 40% off their already competitive rates!

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Coast Computers Plus

Got tech troubles? Looking for unparalleled tech repair, maintenance, and servicing? Coast Computers Plus is your go-to solution for a seamless technology experience.

If you’re technologically challenged, Coast Computers Plus will make it easy for you! From mobile devices to computers, video game consoles, TV startup and setup, sound system configuration, to comprehensive guidance for all your video, audio, and tech needs – Coast Computers Plus has you covered!

But they’re not just about fixing devices; they’re dedicated to supporting local and community-driven initiatives. They believe that technology should enhance the connection between individuals and the content they love.



HUnter Homes Wyee

And guess what? If you’re a Coasties Card holder, you can schedule their services at just $25/hour (plus $1 per KM travel fee). That’s almost 40% off their already competitive rates!

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This article is brought to you by The Springs, Peats Ridge