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Luminiah Energy Enhancement Centre

What would you do if you had vibrant energy and health? The Luminiah Energy Enhancement Centre brings you the next generation of wellness through leading-edge energy technologies such as the EESystemâ„¢ and quantum energy coaching.

Ready to achieve high-frequency energy states? The EESystemâ„¢ generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including scalar waves and photonic light which creates an extraordinary hyper-healthy energetic environment.




HUnter Homes Wyee

As your body immerses in this energy it can support the body to:

  • Regenerate cells
  • Improve circulation and immune function
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Provide relief from pain
  • Detoxify the body, mind and emotions
  • Elevate mood
  • Assist in balancing R/L brain hemispheres for optimal performance, meditation and sleep states
  • Increase cell membrane potential
  • Increase mitochondrial and stem cell activity
  • Increase overall energy levels

…just to illustrate a few possibilities!

The EESystemâ„¢ has been extensively researched since 1996 for its multitude of beneficial effects and recognised at dozens of medical, scientific and professional conferences around the world.

This amazing ‘day spa’ system can assist your body to heal itself by providing it with the full spectrum bio-available energy it requires.

Simply immerse yourself in this energy in our Light Lounge, relax in our luxury Lazy Boy recliners, and have a nap while your body’s intelligence goes to work!

To support you in Coasties Card members on their journey to vibrant health and energy, Luminiah is offering 10% off your first Individual EESystem 2hr session, which is the recommended time for optimal results.  Simply call 0497 158 013 or book online at and enter your exclusive code at the checkout.


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Point Clare, NSW 2250

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Luminiah Energy Enhancement Centre

What would you do if you had vibrant energy and health? The Luminiah Energy Enhancement Centre brings you the next generation of wellness through leading-edge energy technologies such as the EESystemâ„¢ and quantum energy coaching.

Ready to achieve high-frequency energy states? The EESystemâ„¢ generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including scalar waves and photonic light which creates an extraordinary hyper-healthy energetic environment.




HUnter Homes Wyee

As your body immerses in this energy it can support the body to:

  • Regenerate cells
  • Improve circulation and immune function
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Provide relief from pain
  • Detoxify the body, mind and emotions
  • Elevate mood
  • Assist in balancing R/L brain hemispheres for optimal performance, meditation and sleep states
  • Increase cell membrane potential
  • Increase mitochondrial and stem cell activity
  • Increase overall energy levels

…just to illustrate a few possibilities!

The EESystemâ„¢ has been extensively researched since 1996 for its multitude of beneficial effects and recognised at dozens of medical, scientific and professional conferences around the world.

This amazing ‘day spa’ system can assist your body to heal itself by providing it with the full spectrum bio-available energy it requires.

Simply immerse yourself in this energy in our Light Lounge, relax in our luxury Lazy Boy recliners, and have a nap while your body’s intelligence goes to work!

To support you in Coasties Card members on their journey to vibrant health and energy, Luminiah is offering 10% off your first Individual EESystem 2hr session, which is the recommended time for optimal results.  Simply call 0497 158 013 or book online at and enter your exclusive code at the checkout.


Join Now


Point Clare, NSW 2250

This article is brought to you by Hunter Homes

This article is brought to you by The Springs, Peats Ridge